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Akron Falls conclusion

That's a wrap for our Akron Falls investigation. Through careful analyses of our evidence, we found no trace of anything unexplainable. You always feel a little let down after reviewing your data and finding nothing, however it makes it that much sweeter when you do actually find an EVP or an image of something paranormal. A great time was had by all who participated. I believe having fun with people who share your fascination with the paranormal is a huge part of what we all do as paranormal investigators.

At the end of the week we will be conducting an investigation at another familiar location. We will be once again checking out a residence on Ridge Rd. in Cambria, NY. We have investigated this house two times before, each time we left without finding any strong paranormal evidence. It's a pleasure to be invited back to this location. There have been reports of paranormal activity dating back decades. Some reports are of seeing figures, hearing footsteps, and the feeling of not being alone. These clients are very special people to us, and we will stop at nothing to try and find answers for the folks who reside at this location.

Lastly, two of our members will be spending a weekend in Gettysburg, PA! Although no ghost hunts are scheduled as of right now, a haunted tour is scheduled. The people conducting the tour are called Ghosts of Gettysburg. We are very excited to be a part of this tour, and keep your eyes on this blog for updates and reviews of the tour. Thanks.

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